Wednesday, January 6, 2021

To humanity today.

The following website is a website which covers basic teachings of christianity with human socities.

And how christianitys teachings benefit human socities.

When christianity is adhered to.

In this life.

More then not.

It covers a vast  variety of subjects which apply to logic .and it serves as an assistant website to my main website 

And my prime website


In doing this.

 A precursor introduction to this site is now addressed as follows:

Watch "We Shut Down State Mental Hospitals. Some Want to Bring Them Back." on YouTube

I will begin this website on a summary of christianitys principles INTERTWINING human societies on that note with this.

In connection to psalm one aligning psychiatry in human societies.

The real question on such a subject is this.
Does jesus christ and the holy ghost in christianity speak truth?

Because jesus and christianity teach mankind that people who defy christianitys teachings and defy the holy ghost hearken to evil spirits.

On numerous levels.

Which is why so many different confusing forms of mental illnesses and schizophrenia also exist in secular human  doctors teachings too.

On the subjects of mental illness.

Because different forms of high and low evil spirits also exist.
In this existence.

For humans.
By way of the works of all formerly created beings and spirits too in prior created  existences.

Which obviously includes all formerly created evil spirits.
Who were once good.

But rebelled against christs goodness in previous levels in previous existences.
An example of this is matthew 17: 21.
Because their are many evil spirits in existence from previous existences.
All with different violent personalities and tempers.

Some are more ancient then others too.
Because of the volume of previous existences.

Some beings are more ancient.
For example some humans and souls created in this life were actually created in prior existences.

Yet some humans with their souls actually participated in prior existences.
On various levels.
As such beings were created by God in various prior existences.

Meaning on numerous levels many humans are on different levels regarding how truly senescent a human actually is.
In this life.

And it's the same for all evil spirits.
Who once honored jesus in various previous existences.
Yet at some point in prior existences evil spirits rebelled against the goodness of jesus.

And the life they had in christ.
Connected to genesis 3: 22.
Through which they became evil spirits.
Also on many wave lengths.
So to speak.

On that note... two plus two obviously equals four.
On the subject of so called mental illnesses.

Found in humans.
In this life.
When humans subject themselves to such beings and refuse the general simple teachings of christ then evil spirits move in an influx at times " into the mortal tabernacles of people who hate christ for no rational reason.

In essence " that is the real phenomenon of all so called mental illnesses" amongst humanity in this life.

The ultimate real cause of all forms of schizophrenia and mental illnesses is literally demon possessions.

It pertains also to seizures and other illnesses too.

But so called mental illnesses in humans is literally the essence of violent evil spirits attacking mortals who are rebellious to christs teachings in one form or another.
In this life.

That is the literal truth of the matter from a christian point of view.

Whether secular humans accept that truth or not it still is truth 
And in reality  closing down mental asylums is literally foolish on the part of america.

Because unfortunately most humans who rebel against the general teachings of jesus stay in such rebellion.

Which means the evil spirits that bring on the appearances of schizophrenic acts in such humans do not depart from such humans.

Obviously when that is the case human  societies need to keep such people confined in insane asylums.

To not do so is a serious mistake.
As such humans will be dangerous to the general population if they are not continually confined and monitored.

By humans who operate such psychiatric institutions.

That is the just of that..
Humans are very foolish to close psychiatric institutions therefore.

In human socities.

Clearly that's obvious.
As such humans simply will not be cured of their so called mental illnesses.

Because of the evil spirits that drive such humans to violence.

Such humans need constant care.
And confinement.

Electric shock too. With straight jackets 
And serious sedatives.

Because those forms of psychiatric care  """" do """"" temporarily stop evil spirits from controlling such evil humans..

It's that simple.

If america wishes to keep its regular citizens safe?

Then reopen the nuthouses.
That's for sure.

Pure and simple.

Note to the reader.

Now to close this subject before proceeding to the next journal and subject attached to this site

I will finish  this topic of mental illnesses found in humans in christian addressed terms with the following.

Which is to say - with a few short abstract notes and writings I have addressed to various colleagues and friends on this matter.

In various emails and formal letters.


Worded as follows.

After it closed its doors in the year 2000 " some articles on the internet listed the horrors that occurred at the st.thomas psychiatric hospital in st. Thomas ontario canada on sunset drive .

Strangely " I searched the internet recently again to research those articles.
In 2020.
They are no longer in print.
On the internet.

Yet they were there.
On the internet.
In the year 2000.
I know this.

Because I saw those documents.


What's that?
Why arent they there?
On the internet?
Isnt that weird?

I wonder if the government of canada is deliberately hiding the real records of the incredible horrors those articles listed which occurred at that institution since its opening day decades before.?
Which articles explained some pretty intense happenings that went on there.

Stripping patients stark naked and placing them in rubber rooms. In straight jackets only.
Wearing only straight jackets.

The rapes" beatings" sexual assaults and the many  stabbings and also numerous murders which factually occurred .
Its next to mind boggling.

I stood outside the closed institution in july of 2020.

The front of it looks quite scary.
And I dont get intimidated easily.

I've gone places some people be in awe of.

I assure you.
And usually I'm not shaken.
Yet this building did make me feel uneasy.
There are definitely incredible powerful  universal forces inside that building.

The building just sits there.

Huge and abandoned.
It's actually quite a spooky sight.

Then I walked to the front doors of the asylum.

And stood right in front of them.

I never felt such incredible spiritual forces..
I swear.

The building is definitely swarming with 
Paranormal activities.


I assure you.
Anyone who is in tuned to the spirit world will know that truth.


Their are paranormal forces " at work roaming in the abandoned hallways of that iinsane asylum building in st. Thomas that not even most living immortal gods are interested in facing.
Not even I can subdue those forces in that hospital.

I'm pretty sure.

Except unless I elevate my present being to a different mind frame.
Which I can do.
It just simply takes time.
I have to prepare.
Through different functions of this life I mean.
If I intend on  doing that.
In connection to c7q78 of the quatrains and prophecies of nostradamus.
In other words.

Which is a matter I explain adequately elsewhere in my other websites addressed to mankind presently in this life.
Which may be found here.
For anyone curious.
Albeit regardless" now to close this first post attached to  this site I will say this..

It's the spiritual curriculum of what nostradamus refers to in c7q78 of his vaticinal statements to mankind.
In this life.

The inside platforms of that abandoned hospital.
In st. Thomasontario .
I mean.
What does nostradamus say there?

""" in the abandoned halls of industry a twice blessed phantom cajoles the twice blessed man to a unity agreement in incorporeal time warp awarenesses.""""
Show quoted text
To the reader.

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